Sunday, April 15, 2007

I just completed the downloaded assignment that was homework for week one. It was interesting to see how the different exercises pinpointed characteristics that we all contain. i mean i know how i feel in specific situations but the answers from these exercises apply to more than just one event. i would sometimes find myself stuck in between two answers where it could go either way. i just tried to be as honest as possible and the truth did come out with the graphs. The TAPT (tieger assessment of personality type) was one of my favorite to complete. it really nailed how i approach and think in my daily life. it also had a weird effect on me with the answers i did not choose. i wondered why i was one way and not the other? it many of the cases both did apply but one more than the other. it got me thinking on how i could improve in some areas and not overlook the importance of both answers. like sometimes i should listen more than i talk but i answered talk because that is my natural behavior. or how i answered finish but i realize how important the start could be. so in the end it was a long assignment but interesting to see my natural behaviors come out in the exercises. i hope it was interesting for everyone else and we'll see what next week brings!

1 comment:

PrettyTony31 said...

What was your score on the DISC?

Mine was 36 D.